Suzette Weideman clinical psychologist

“I accompany my clients on their journey to search for meaning in life and truly believe that one can find meaning in suffering as well.” 

Suzette Weideman

Clinical Psychologist

My name is Suzette Weideman. I was born in 1973 in Krugersdorp. I am an earthling, African, South-African, Afrikaner, woman, wife, mother, daughter, horsewoman, friend, psychologist, teacher, solver, fixer, concourer and carer. All if these things together have brought me to this place in my journey. A place where therapy is destigmatised and becomes an integral part of dealing with life challenges, big and small.

I never had therapy till my early thirties, just before I started my professional training as psychologist. I can say that therapy helped me to find myself. I was not really lost, I was merely on a road that was going nowhere slowly. On that road I gathered the scattered pieces of me. I went mining with my therapist and even discovered deep, sometimes dark, places within my psyche that used to scare me. Used to – they don’t anymore! “Why?”, you may ask. They held secrets and like a beautiful movie, they unfolded in front of my eyes.

People often remark when they hear I am a therapist, that it must be such a tough job listening to people’s sad stories every day. The opposite is true!!! I see stories of resilience, compassion, endurance, courage and ingenuity unfold.

I truly believe in the goodness of all beings and as a therapist am taken to the core of that goodness on a daily basis.

As I practice what is commonly referred to as “talk therapy” at the office, I welcome clients older than 16.

At InPsyght we have created spaces that contribute to the therapy process and enhance the growth opportunities and ensure that the client feels at home, heard, cared for and ultimately empowered.

Suzette has an interest in the following but is not limited to these areas.

  • Coping with and growing through traumatic incidents, especially rape, including debriefing, procedures and protocols after the incident and long term therapy.
  • Therapy for people challenged with developmental and acquired physical disabilities and diseases.
  • Emerging adults and late adolescents facing stage of life crises, identity problems and relationship difficulties.
  • Equine Assisted Therapy
  • Parental guidance and family interventions for any issue or challenge affecting more than one member of your family, such as divorce, unresolved conflict, dependence, etc.
  • Neuropsychological assessments
  • Road Accident Fund assessments

Types of therapy offered

Working eclectically from a Rogerian or Person-centered perspective  and often using Gestalt TechniquesTransactional Analysis and Ego State Therapy. Clients are also offered the opportunity to benefit by the therapeutic value of nature and horses through Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy workshops on the farm Content in Magaliesburg. Ultimately, however, my focus is always Existential, meaning:

“I accompany my clients on their journey to search for meaning in life and truly believe that one can find meaning in suffering as well.”

“I strive to work as integrated as possible, for this resonates with both my personality and my view of human nature”.


Suzette Weideman also offers Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy from her farm in Hekpoort.

Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy is an experiential type of psychotherapy that provides ample opportunities for clients to express themselves through non-verbal interaction.  During the experiences with the horse(s) clients observe and are observed, by both the therapist and the horse(s); interact with both the therapist and the horse(s); and get feedback from both the therapist and the horse(s). This basically means that the horse(s) become active participants in the client’s journey of growth and development.

It is often a profound experience of discovery and change on a deeper level than can be put into words.

Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy with Suzette Weideman